2、Harkness (United Kingdom, before 1991):“Indian Summer(HARwigwam)”
3、Frederick Huber Howard (United States,1940):“IndianSummer”
"Indian Summer"("秋老虎"、"小阳春")指秋天的一段暖和、干燥的天气,往往出现在9月下旬、10月和11月,有时候也会出现在8月或12月,爱伦-坡曾把它称作 "strange interregnum occurring in autumn" ."Indian Summer"中的"Indian"绝对不是指印度,而是指美洲的土著民族印第安人,因为这样的天气出现在美国东海岸中部各州,北到新英格兰,西至大平原.这种天气往往伴随着灾难性的大雾.
"Indian Summer"首次出现在1778年一位法国籍美国人的书中,他在描写殖民地的农场中写道,"Then a severe frost succeeds which prepares [the earth] to receive the voluminous coat of snow which is soon follow; though it is often preceded by a short interval of smoke and mildness,called the Indian Summer."